#1.11 Bike

Bluey Recap: Bike (#1.11)

#bestbits: Beethoven’s Symphony #9 (Ode to Joy) as the soundtrack

#lifelesson: bubblers are gross, and practice and persistence are the key


Bluey is at the park practicing her bike riding when she gets frustrated by the difficulty of it and goes to sit next to Dad. She wonders why she can’t just do it the first time and Dad tells her that the world doesn’t work like that.

Dad and Bluey observe the other kids in the park.... Bingo tries to get a drink out of the water fountain but doesn’t climb up on time before the bubbler switches off.

Bentley is trying to reach the monkey bars when Mackenzie comes along and effortlessly reaches them.

Muffin is trying to put her backpack on and can’t get her second arm through (the plague of all toddlers starting preschool!)

Dad and Bluey cheer on as everyone has a second attempt... Bingo misses the water AGAIN! Bentley tries to jump up but misses the monkeybars. And Muffin falls over after spinning in circles searching for the arm hole.

Frustration hits.... Muffin then has a melt down “why won’t you go on my back!”, Bentley jumps and misses again “why can’t I do it straight away!” and Bingo misses the bubbler for a third time “I’ll never be able to drink water again!”

Bluey wants to go and help but Dad tells her to wait and see what happens next...

Tantrums over, the kids gather themselves and try again. CUE, “Ode to Joy”

The heart wrenching, motivational soundtrack, combined with Dad and Blueys elation at watching everyone succeed is sure to bring on a tear so get your tissues handy....

Muffin slides on her back to put both her arms into her backpack, Bentley climbs up the side of the monkey bars to reach the first ring (then decides she’s had enough) and Bingo creates an overflow so she can drink off the ground “Aaawwwwww Bingo, that’s disgusting”.

After the motivation of her friends persistence, Bluey puts her helmet on and has another go in her bike.


@officialblueytv #Bluey #blueyrecaps #blueyandbingo #blueycartoon #bike #disneyjunior #kidstv #abckids #parentlife #parenting


#1.10 Hotel


#1.12 Bob Bilby