#1.32 Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound

Bluey Recap: Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound (#1.32)

#bestbits: Bandits awkward acting. Bumworms.

#lifelesson: make sure you own multiple pairs of the same colour undies, and everyone gets sick at some stage, that’s just life


Bingo is sick in hospital and wants to go home - “it isn’t fair” she tells Mum. A video message comes through from Bluey - it’s a play she’s put together to cheer Bingo up (note.... grab tissues NOW).

Barnicus (Bluey) in the purple underwear wants a puppy more than anything. She even asks the awkward shopkeeper (Bandit, also in purple undies) for one, and he tells her to wish upon a star. Barnicus wakes up to see her very own puppy (Cousin Socks - as nippy as always) whom she names Bumpy.

Barnicus and Bumpy have a wonderful time together (nipping the shopkeeper), until one day, after many days and nights (hilarious time progression), Bumpy gets sick. Barnicus asks all of her purple underpanted neighbours to help, but none can - including the bandaged shopkeeper.

Barnicus then asks the baker, Cousin Muffin (who is cooking in Mums beautiful vase - which of course breaks much to Chilli’s dismay). The baker tells Bluey/Barnicus to visit The Wise Old Wolfhound (Aunt Trixie).

The Wolfhound tells Barnicus that all she needs to do is find a pair of purple underpants (and THAT’s the purple pant mystery solved) from someone who has NEVER been sick. After realising she can’t use her own as she’s had a runny nose, Barnicus tries Bandit the shopkeeper - unfortunately he’s got bum worms. Then Muffin the baker - rabies. Barnicus asks everyone but she can’t find a single person who’s NEVER been sick!

As Barnicus sits on the front step with a sick Bumpy, she realises the lesson the Wise Old Wolfhound was trying to teach her - yes it’s not fair, but EVERYone gets sick and it’s just a matter of waiting it out.

Barnicus entertains and plays with a sick Bumpy, until one day she wakes up and Bumpy is all better!

Cue bow from all the actors in the play wearing their purple underpants (and Socks getting one last nip into Bandits bum-wormed bum).


@officialblueytv #Bluey #blueyrecaps #blueyandbingo #blueycartoon #bumpy #disneyjunior #kidstv #abckids #parentlife #parenting


#1.31 Work


#1.33 Trampoline