#1.23 Shops

Bluey Recap: Shops (#1.23)
#bestbits: the tails wagging once Rusty joins the game
#lifelesson: everyone wants to “doot”, and don’t take ages deciding stuff!
Bluey, Chloe, Honey and Mackenzie decide to set up for a game of shops - they make Bluey promise not to take ages deciding stuff (obviously a regular occurrence).
Once the bench, till, scanner and doorbell are set up, McKenzie enters (Take#1) as the customer ready to play... however Bluey still wants to discuss roles (with her as the shopkeeper).
Take#2 results in honey being a kitten and Take#3 results in the store becoming a store to buy things for kittens.
Take#4 sees Bluey and Chloe getting stock for the shop, Take#5 calls on the need for dollarbucks to spend, and Take#6 is the introduction of a kitten birthday cake.
Take#7 Bluey decides that kittens shouldn’t talk which results in everyone practicing their meowing.
Take#8 is when the roles get mixed up with Bluey wanting to be the kitten, Chloe jumping into the role of shopkeeper, Honey wanting to remain a kitten (or be the kitten owner) and McKenzie not happy with being removed from customer/kitten owner to be assigned the role of shop assistant.
They all have a time out practice the coveted shopkeeper role of scanning (“doot”ing) and Mackenzie finally agrees to be the assistant just to get the game started (even though she doesn’t get to doot).
However..... Take#9 sees the game paused as now they don’t have a customer! This is the last straw for Mackenzie who walks off in a huff.
Bluey and Mackenzie eventually resolve their differences but they are still stuck without an assistant - until Rusty appears and is happy to be any role!
Finally everyone has a role and the game can begin - there is almost a Take#10 when Bluey realises she doesn’t have a lead, but luckily Rusty the assistant finds one to save the game.
After exactly one successful (and short) game of shops, the friends happily decide to play Busdrivers. Bring on Take#11, Take#12.......
@officialblueytv #Bluey #blueyrecaps #blueyandbingo #blueycartoon #shops #disneyjunior #kidstv #abckids #parentlife #parenting


#1.22 The Pool


#1.24 Wagonride