#3.1 Bedroom

Bluey Recap: Bedroom (#3.1)

#bestbits: Bluey and Bingo amicably dividing up their “assets”

#lifelesson: get in quick with your “bags not”, and never trust the pitter patter of little footsteps

The Heeler’s are sorting out the nursery room from when Bluey and Bingo were babies. Bandit is doing the heavy lifting, Chilli is getting emotional, and the girls are plotting a room move!

Just as he thinks he’s done, Bandit has to move Blueys bed into the old nursery and shift Bingo’s bed to where Blueys was (so they can still watch Malcolm the bird).

Next comes the division of accessories. Bingo agrees that Bluey can take the kiwi fruit rug - but only after they have a “rug race” first.

They then seperate the toys but are left with Gloria, who was given to Bluey by Grandad (who forgot to get Bingo a similar toy when she was born). They amicably agree that Gloria will go with Bingo, but she’ll sleepover in Blueys room tonight.

Lampy goes with Bluey after a quick game of “asleep awake”.

After dinner and a bath, it’s time for bedtime (and time for Big D to knock off). After an overly dramatic goodnight, the girls hug and go their seperate ways and Chilli and Bandit collapse on the couch.

At the sound of footsteps from upstairs, they both yell “bags not” to checking on the kids. Chilli loses and goes up to discover the girls transporting books and the bookcase (most things seem to be ending up in Blueys room). After a warning to not leave their rooms, Chilli retires downstairs again.

The letters then start, with Bluey requesting the bottle for Gloria, then an exchange of love hearts and pictures before Chilli once again comes up to intercept. Bluey draws one last picture of what she needs to go to sleep and Chilli delivers it to Bingo then goes back downstairs.

Chilli informs Bandit that he’ll have to move Blueys bed back in the morning as she misses Bingo - they are curled up in bed together.

@officialblueytv #Bluey #blueyrecaps #blueyandbingo #blueycartoon #bedroom #disneyjunior #kidstv #abckids #parentlife #parenting


#3.2 Unicorse